IrriGRAY Price List
IrriGRAY is very reasonably priced. We invite you to review the Features and Benefits of IrriGRAY, our pricing, and then look at features / pricing for systems from other manufacturers.
Our focus is developing and manufacturing extremely efficient water re-use technologies that more than pay for themselves from day one.
Our pricing is possible because
Our VP of Research & Product Development has 25+ years experience in International and US graywater filtration and irrigation, as well as extensive IT development knowledge
We design and build our own controller systems, internet platforms, web and app design
Our passion is making this technology an affordable and wise economical choice for virtually anyone who enjoys and wants to protect their Landscape Investment

While our pricing structure is simple, IrriGRAY is very flexible and can be installed to suit almost any need.
While the equipment cost is obviously higher than traditional spray systems, dripperline installation labor is generally 50 - 70% lower than spray installation.
Therefore the incremental cost of installing IrriGRAY compared to spray irrigation is less than the system cost.
The typical annual water cost saving is between $1,000 and $1,500 per year, for a family of 3.5 residents on a medium sized lot.
90% of New Home Buyers purchase with a mortgage, and when the approximate $5,000 incremental installed cost is included in the mortgage, and interest charges included in the analysis, IrriGRAY saves you money from day one, and in the first 10 years saves ~$10,000
Note: These savings do NOT invldue any Federal, State or Local Graywater / Water Conservation incentives.
Detailed ROI analysis for small / medium large residential lots is located here.
IrriGRAY Monitoring
Every IrriGRAY System includes the first 12 months of Gold Monitoring For free. This includes:
Free unlimited phone / email / forum support
Software updates
Live Agricultural Weather/ ETo data for the IrriGRAY Controller
Charts / graphs access
Remote control
Gold monitoring service
After the first 12 months, Residential Gold Monitoring is $9 per month / $96 per year.
Commercial Gold & Platinum Monitoring free for the first 12 months, thereafter priced according to site requirements.
Without Gold Monitoring, limited monitoring will still be active
(if the controller remains connected to the internet):
Monitoring is limited to checking graywater pump performance
Remote Control
Historical ETo data is used instead of Live Agricultural Weather
IrriGRAY Sytem
Optional components such as twin collection basins, basin extenders, filter cabinet & more are listed in the Water ReNu Catalog (click to view).
Dripperline and Polyline
IrriGRAY - Light Residential (1 - 2 Residents)
Includes: IrriGRAY Pumping Basin, IrriGRAY Self Cleaning Twist II Cean Filter and Water Module, IrriGRAY Controller
IrriGRAY - Medium / Heavy Residential (3+ residents)
Includes: IrriGRAY Pumping Basin, IrriGRAY Self Cleaning High Capacity Disc Filter and Water Module, IrriGRAY Controller
IrriGRAY - Standard Commercial
Includes: IrriGRAY Pumping Basin, IrriGRAY Self Cleaning High Capacity Disc Filter and Water Module, IrriGRAY Controller, 5 Hours Consulting / Design
IrriGRAY - Heavy Commercial
Includes: IrriGRAY Pumping Basin, IrriGRAY Self Cleaning High Capacity Disc Filter and Water Module, IrriGRAY Controller, 20 Hours Design / Monitoring, Platinum Monitoring
IrriGRAY 2.2 GPH Black Dripperline, 12" emmitter spacing - 150' Coil
This drippperline is for on soil but sub 2+" mulch or other covering, suitable for beds. Typically laid in rings or 3' grid style spacing.
$97.50 per 150' Coil
Netafim Bioline 0.6 GPH Purple Dripperline, 12" Emitter Spacing, 500' Coil
This dripperline is for in soil use, such as sub turf. Typically laid every 1' to form a 1' x 1' emitter grid.
$350.00 per 500' Coil
3/4" Poly, purple strip - 150' Coil
Used as header / footer supply within a zone
$42.00 per 150' Coil
Optional components such as punch tools, connectors and 3/4" poly fittings are listed in the Water ReNu Catalog (click to view).