As much as we would like to think the world has a plentiful supply of water, population increase and climate change are resulting in significant water shortages across most Continents.
In the US, particularly the Southern and Western States, we are experiencing more frequent and increasingly severe water supply issues.
Our focus is using water as efficiently as possible, re-using graywater for landscape and turf in residential, multi-family and commercial settings; and developing economical water saving automatic filters for well water applications, agriculture and industry.
Our systems take the best practice agricultural science - where the farmer is trying to maximize crop yield given ideal conditions and water supply - and turn this around to achieve landscapes that are green without growing crops, using as little water as possible across the whole property. Typically, this involves using water from all available alternate water sources first, with potable water utilized as backup supply.
Our goal is to bring water management practices to the 98% of the population who in today's busy world do not have the time to actively monitor their own water usage and water availability. IrriGRAY, our flagship residential, multi-family and commercial waste water irrigation system is proven to do just that.
IrriGRAY is fully automated and achieves the most efficient and economical irrigation in the market, whether installed during new construction or retrofitted.
With over 25 years experience in Graywater, Rainwater, Condensate & Potable water irrigation in Australia and the US, we always continue to learn. Our clients often introduce new thoughts and suggestions to us which we then research, test and implement.
This is the main reason our control systems have been designed from the ground up and with significant additional potential.
Our unique system monitoring service, combined with the ability to upgrade any customer's system with just a click of a mouse at our offices means you can be confident of not only being highly water efficient today, but even more water efficient tomorrow.
Or - as I say in the office - "We are so far ahead of the curve - and we are not letting go!"
Paul James
VP Research and Product Development
Water ReNu LLC